Clean, straightforward lines or lavishly embellished in the vein of Art Deco: The Lyravox Stereomaster comes in many different shapes. But all of them share the same perfect finish of finest woods and elaborately worked metals. The wall-mounted design creates a very special impression: Completely cable-free, the Stereomaster presents itself as an audio masterpiece in the room.
Enjoy music from every source
Nowadays, music comes in many forms: It can be played from CD, smartphone, home network, USB flash drive, an internet radio station or an online streaming service. The Lyravox Stereo Master combines all these sources for a unique musical experience without compromise. In addition to traditional formats, it can also handle modern high-resolution audio.
Unique, audiophile sound
The Lyravox Stereomaster features a unique, audiophile sound that is based on its perfectly matched components: Up to 12 carefully selected high-end chassis combined with premium amplification technology recreate music the way it was intended to sound. The supreme design omits lossy conversions and retains the quality of the signal. Meticulous adjustments through precise measurements and extensive listening tests provide a detailed and nuanced experience. Enjoy music at home in a new dimension!